Event Types

  • Event type #1 – 2 x 4 speed cut     (36ft x 36ft)

  • Event type #2 – Free hanging rope cut     (36ft x 36ft)

  • Event type #3 – Multi station course cut (75ft x 36ft)

  • Event type #4 – Single Station Multi-cut Event  (36ft x 36ft)

If space is provided for the Multi Station Course, additional space is not needed for the 2 x 4 cut or the Rope cut.

2 x 4 Speed cut – This will be a timed event. The top 3 finishers may be awarded prizes. Points may be awarded for event totals and yearly totals.

Free Hanging Rope Cut – This will be an elimination style cut.  The top 3 cutters may be awarded prizes. Points may be awarded for event totals and yearly totals. In case of a tie awards will be shared.

Multi Station Course – The course will be designed on a per event basis. This will be a timed event.   The top 3 finishers may be awarded prizes. Points may be awarded for event totals and yearly totals.

Single Station Multi-cut – This event will have a single table where different cuts will be set-up — 2 x 4, rope cut and other cuts as determined by event officials. Prizes may be awarded to the top 3 Cutters. Points will be awarded for event totals and yearly totals.


Event Information

There will be different types of planned events at BladeSports competitions. A competition may include any or all event types. Space requirements will be provided by Event Sponsors for each type of event.

New events may be added to BladeSports competitions. Space requirements will be determined as new events are planned.

A competition site must be provided by a sponsor that offers adequate space for the planned events.

Barriers will be placed for crowd control and event assistants will be located at strategic locations to halt an event should spectators cross the control boundaries.


Event Procedures

Event Officials will inspect all knives prior to the start of each competition for adherence to BladeSports knife specifications.

A cutter may sharpen his/her knife between separate events but not during an event between cuts. Example: A knife may be sharpened between a qualifying event and the main competition event. A knife may not be sharpened between the 2×4 Cut and the Rope Cut (or any subsequent cuts) during a multi-cut event.

A competitor may challenge a call from an official. Event officials will evaluate the challenge and make a ruling. Competitors must abide by the ruling.

One official will start each cut.

Any official may stop any cut.

A time/point penalty will follow any minor deviation from procedure or cut instructions.

Penalties will be administered for any safety, rules or procedure infraction. These will range from a warning up to and including loss of Cutter Certification.

A competitor may refuse a cut if there is a question of safety or fairness. Event officials will make a determination and will implement any necessary changes to set-up and/or materials.